Neuerungen & Verbesserungen:
- NEW: TinyMCE Release 4
- NEW: updates for our TinyMCE-Plugins
- NEW: bulk actions (release, delete, offline) for various areas like object search, form registrations, images
- NEW: increased width of backend
- NEW: Quickstart theme for your own experiments. Includes an Off-canvas navigation and some JS for extended look and feel.
- NEW: images have a Licenseinfo field now to explicitely add license information like "Foto: <stock-image-agency>/<author>"
- NEW: great rewrite of (frontend) search, simplified interface while extending search over database columns
- NEW: checkbox for searchable content objects that allows to exclude object from search (e.g. for objects that merely do a decorative job)
- NEW: image size for large thumbnail now 768px (was: 640px)
- NEW: allow to set link/request target of blocks like 'search' or 'login', which was previously always node '1'
- NEW: we introduce infrastructure for "Action codes" - to be treated as preview but following updates will make heavy use of it!
- NEW: Already added some minor Actioncodes like Countdown, Quotation, semantical Address, Current date ...
- NEW: Latitude and Longitude setting for core objects. Will allow further innovation
- NEW: FAQ block allows to insanly fast create FAQ pages from articles.
- NEW: Categories for content objects, including a block to display and search based on category
- NEW: RSS feed XML is now outsourced to a template (special/rss.tpl)
- NEW: dynamic teasing block now has a sort order "random", allows to display teasers by certain criteria being rendered by random updates of some online help articles (work still in progress)
- fix: don't allow to assign images to navigation nodes as this makes no sense and breaks things
- fix: autoloader conflict on some OS
- binary objects like PDF-download can be translated
- updates of various vendor code libraries (PHPMailer, Smarty, ...)