Neuerungen & Verbesserungen:
- NEW: A login/logout block can now link to your privacy policy.
- NEW: allow "divers" as option for sex after German Bundestag decision
- Improved: Remove edit link in user group list when you in fact are not supposed to change title
- Improved: Remove readonly input field by mere title in group list when you're not allowed to change the title
- Improved: Admins now can see all groups in the selection list of groups that are allowed to access a navigation node.
- They no longer have to be part of the assigned group(s)
- Improved: Contact form fields and values can be sent in a more compact way. Introduced a new search replace value for the form data.
- Improved: If a divider is used in a contact form it's title is used in mails to help structure the mail also.
- Fix: When you save a navigation node with one binary content object assigned you now get a message that this will trigger a download in the frontend. You're no longer redirected to the frontend - which would result in the download - when you came from the frontend