Neuerungen & Verbesserungen:
- NEW: Authorbox actioncode
- NEW: Allow contact form to send only notification about a new entry via mail (and not whole form content)
- NEW: Support for a print_extra.css in Themes, to add individual print styles
- NEW: Own Smarty template for form divider element, template also simplified and along with more readable style
- fix: after a change in the form handling you had to enter a URL (a non mandatory field) when creating/editing a user
- fix: If Plugin modules are associated with a navigation node, they will be removed now when the plugin gets uninstalled
- fix: wrong prefixing with http:// in some contexts for the default site url
- fix: displaying of actioncodes in block when fulltext teaser layout
- fix: sending email failed after vendor package upgrade
- minor stability improvement in the CMS update step and the Nivo slider initialization