Neuerungen & Verbesserungen:
- NEW: Open2C no longer initiates a PHP session on new requests for the casual user
- NEW: Setup-directory is password protected (HTTP Basic Auth), see setup_auth.ini in setup directory
- Improved: (security) Use of form keys ("nonces") starting in user management, more coverage in upcoming releases
- Improved: added "500" and "1000" options to pagination
- Improved: wording changes in backend settings to be more concise about IP-address-from-proxy option
- Improved: adding information to IP storage selectbox that masking IP addresses belongs to IPv4 addresses only
- Improved: updating the backend settings successfully now stays on page
- Improved: In fresh installations our default navigation groups "Haupt-, Zusatz-, Hilfsnavigation" now get a hint about their location in Desktop layouts
- Improved: Convenience link to user edit in Backend when re-enabling a previously deleted user
- Improved: Helptext in user search explains what is searched when using the "Stichwort" entry
- Improved: internally: Increasing number of acceptance tests, incorporating some PHP CodeSniffer recommendations
- Improved: internal code optimizations
- Fix: use of deprecated jQuery Alias fixed